by Next Gen Men | Mar 9, 2022 | Men & Masculinity, Men & Relationships
Joy is a deep feeling of contentment, satisfaction, and/or appreciation of the things that mean the most to us — which isn’t necessarily attainment (the promotion) or material things (the new toys). It’s also not something we ‘attain’ and then it’s just there forever...
by Next Gen Men | Feb 24, 2022 | How to Apologize, Men & Relationships
We all make mistakes. They don’t make you a bad person; it only makes you human. Even though mistakes, mishaps and accidents happen all the time, apologies are still difficult. It’s hard to own up to hurting someone else. Regardless, apologies are...
by Mario Toneguzzi | Oct 26, 2021 | Men & Community, Men & Masculinity
Next Gen Men’s mission is to change how the world sees, acts and thinks about masculinity. Jake Stika, the organization’s Executive Director based in Vancouver, says the Canadian non-profit “is working towards a future where boys and men feel less pain and cause less...