The Men & Project Is

Committed to Helping Men Strengthen Their Lives

Men & is a robust tool for mental and relational well-being for men and collective community care. A social venture from Forge Centre for Dignity-Driven Leadership, Men & works with government & agencies to engage communities across Canada with data-driven interventions and resources that offer trustable, reliable support to men, forging healthier communities and contributing to long-term violence prevention.

Through incredibly useful evidence-based tools, clear pathways for help, healing and learning, Men & enables individuals, communities and organizations to bravely support men’s emotional, mental and relational well-being so that men can transform their pain and live more connected, healthy, and purposeful lives.

The Men & Project Offers…

Men & Website


A free and accessible content and resource hub.

The Men & Toolkit


Self-guided interactive workbooks, tools and courses.

The Mensline


A 24-hour talk and text resource.

Community Engagement Strategy


Learning events for practitioners, community conversations and consultation supporting communities to reimagine how they support men.

The Men & Registry


A national map and regional and city-based registry of free and low-cost resources.

Men & Cards


Cards to access robust tools of support, handed out by law enforcement and community agencies.

Support for Law Enforcement


We support law enforcement with our law enforcement playbook, card strategy and working in concert with community agencies.

The Men & Project Approach

We believe every guy in Canada deserves easily accessible tools, supportive community and help to heal mentally and emotionally while creating healthy nonviolent relationships.
The traditional services, programs and approaches to engaging men haven’t been working. We knew we had to take a more generative approach, one in which we didn’t assume to have the answers, but sought them, together with the men who needed them the most.
For over a decade, we’ve brought curiosity, creativity and rigour to uncovering approaches that actually work to cultivate healthier communities with healthier men. We continue to learn how to ask better questions with men and engage communities across the country, ensuring all resources and interventions are grounded in practice-based evidence.

Dignity-Driven Leadership is at the core of our approach.

Our Mission with the Men & Project is to change the culture of help-seeking for men and to raise the level of quality of tools and services available. Through the Men & Project, we’re changing how communities, professionals and workplaces engage men for mental and social health and nonviolence.

The Outcomes we are driving for:


    • To build capacity within organizations and with professionals to effectively engage men.
    • To enable community activation of peer & professional support for men’s mental and social health.
    • To amplify men’s mental, social and family violence prevention services
    • To support professionals with tools and strategies to more effectively engage and create better outcomes with men
    • To enable workplaces to better support men and create dignity-driven cultures

The Men & Project Background

In 2015, Fear Is Not Love (formerly the Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter) initiated a multi-year research partnership with Forge (formally Bluerock Social Impact Partners) to understand how to better engage men for violence prevention. Having worked with men since 1991, practice and outcomes needed review. Our work began with research and grew into evolving organizational and community capacity to better identify and respond to challenges men faced that lead to violence.
We asked many questions of ourselves and of the men we wanted to help over several years. Questions like:

  • How can we better engage men in healing and nonviolence?
  • How can we ensure the right kinds of services and support are available?
  • How can we improve practices of working with men in non-mandated settings?

National Map


A national map and regional and city-based registry of free and low-cost resources.

The Men & Toolkit


Self-guided interactive workbooks, tools and courses.

Men's Resource Line

Call 1-833-327-MENS (6367) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for help and support from one of our skilled and trained counsellors.

Community of Practice

The Community of Practice focuses on practices, tools and interventions that support healing, recovery and nonviolence. More than a newsletter we host webinars and in person learning events.

What our research found

Compiling our on-the-ground research and community engagement, alongside the existing literature, we discovered that the majority of men who have used violence and want to change don’t get help because they don’t know who to ask, or they’re embarrassed and fearful of consequences.
Men will take up to 2 years looking online for do-it-yourself resources (tools, podcasts, forums etc) before they land in professionalized or community-based services – whether mandated or not.
Men & was designed to work at both meeting men online during this two year period and also being ready to support connection to resources when they’re ready. We aim to clearly show what’s available quickly and responsively; offer a positive non-shaming presence and provide do-it-yourself resources for men who aren’t ready to reach out to professional resources. Our 24-hour talk and text offers a human resource when men are ready.

Men & as a digital presence

Our project has grown of and continues to be developed through engagement, feedback and direction from men and other key stakeholders in the community – aligned with research and program/project reviews. It has been created and structured utilizing insight from men, key service providers and other digital projects nationally and internationally. The site is intended to focus on men’s well-being and holistic health, supporting men to be healthy and non-violent in their relationships with themselves, others, and their families.

The Men & Project Team

Founding Partners

Jeff St. John, PHD

Jeff St. John, PHD

Founder, Forge Centre for Dignity-Driven Leadership

Kim Ruse, MSW

Kim Ruse, MSW

CEO, Fear Is Not Love


Brielle Batty Smith, BSW

Brielle Batty Smith, BSW

Community Impact Lead

How You Can Help

Invite Men & to your Community



Join the Community


Support and Equip organizations, helpers, community advocates with tools to better support men


Learn About our Community Initiatives


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Articles that are submitted will be reviewed by our editorial committee.

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