Men & Community
Life is beautiful but it can feel very lonely
The beauty of life often comes from sharing it with others. These important connections influence the ways that we grow, improve and make sense of our lives. Men & proudly advocates for healthy relationships between men and their families, friends, and within their entire community.
Take Action: Overcome Procrastination for Success Today
Ever feel like you're in a never-ending battle with procrastination? Overcoming procrastination isn't about being lazy or lacking willpower. It's more complex than that. It's tangled up with our fears and self-doubt and often acts as a twisted form of...
The Importance of Teamwork in Life
Ever tried moving a mountain alone? I bet it's tough, right? In the same vein, imagine trying to The Importance of Teamwork in Life. Now that’s a Herculean task! A group of birds flying south for winter. An ensemble rendering Beethoven's Ninth...
Tips For Starting A New Job
Starting a new job is a major life transition. A new job is a new realm of possibility and it sets your life on a new trajectory. In a way, when you start a new job you create a new identity for yourself. Work does not define men, but it does dictate how we...
What to do After Graduation
A college graduation is a major milestone in any man’s life. It marks the culmination of your long journey of constant education that likely began as early as your oldest childhood memories. This is a time for celebration, congratulations, and sad goodbyes. But...
Smooth Transition: How to Fit in and Excel at a New Job
You're excited, sure. But there's also that nagging fear... will I be able to fit in? Fitting into a new work environment is crucial for your career progression and personal satisfaction. Yet many of us are left clueless about how exactly we should go about...
Creating a Successful Family Budget: Tips and Strategies
Creating a successful family budget is an essential skill that can help you achieve financial stability and make informed decisions about your spending habits. Many folks have difficulty forming and keeping up with a practical budget that suits their needs. In this...
Tips for Effective Communication
Communication is a vital aspect of human interaction, and effective communication is essential for building strong and healthy relationships. The ability to communicate effectively is crucial for both personal and professional settings, as it enables people to...
Men & Safe at Home
Safe at Home, a four-year pilot project located in Claresholm that opened its doors in March 2021, is a first-of-its-kind program in a rural setting that helps tackle the problems of domestic abuse and violence. “The program tends to end the cycle of violence and...
Men and… telling it like it is!
Article 1 in a short series.
We live in a world of constant “spin”. Thanks to social media, there are many new ways to cover up the truth and deceive others for political reasons or personal gain. Or for no reason at all, just by passing on the lies and half-truths that have become accepted. Sometimes too, the blunt truth feels uncomfortable, so people may speak in ways that “water down” the truth.
The Calgary Counselling Centre’s Mission
Helping people thrive despite the challenges they face in life has been the mission of the Calgary Counselling Centre since 1962. While the Centre assists all people with various mental health issues, it also offers one of the very few services in the city that...